Home » 5 Safety Tips for Driving in the Rain

5 Safety Tips for Driving in the Rain

by Levis

Winter is here, and so are the endless rainy days. Almost anyone who’s driven a car before knows that driving in the rain is no easy feat. Low visibility, less control, and suffocating jams are some of the downsides that strip away the pleasure of a drive in the rain. Statistics have shown that over 50% of weather-related car accidents happen due to rain. Whether it’s a light shower or a heavy downpour, slippery roads and surprise-filled potholes are hazards you need to look out for.

The important thing to remember here is that although driving in rainy conditions can be difficult, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. We’ll be explaining some of the most important safety measures drivers can take to ensure that their trip in the rain is safe and free of pain.

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1.  Make Sure Your Car Is Ready

First of all, tires. Confirm that they are inflated properly before you hit the road. Otherwise, the tire won’t sufficiently displace water, leaving you exposed to hydroplaning (Loss of traction, sliding, and inability to steer the car).

Windshield wipers are also paramount. They need to be in prime condition because if the blades are brittle or damaged, they won’t wipe efficiently, and you’ll most likely be subject to an irritating, distracting noise.

Rainy weather and cold lead to foggy windows, reducing visibility even more. Ensure your defroster is working correctly to clear condensation.

Check your battery and electrical system, as they play a crucial part in your car’s functionality, and rainy weather can put an additional strain on them.

Last but not least, make sure your brakes are working properly, and your lights are all functioning (headlights, taillights, signals) to combat low visibility and increased stopping distance.

2.  Drive Slowly

This one is sort of a given, but it is absolutely vital that you drive at low speeds in the rain. Reduced visibility will make it harder to spot potential dangers or see road signs clearly, but lower speeds will allow you more time to react and read the signs ahead.

When it rains, the roads become wet and somewhat slippery, resulting in less grip between your car’s tires and the road surface. Therefore, driving slowly helps to avoid skidding or loss of control.

Rainy weather causes the roads to be slick, making it harder to stop quickly when you need to. A lower speed means a reduced stopping distance and offers the necessary time to brake safely.

3.  Be A Mindful Driver

Even though we might usually drive out of habit, almost unconsciously, we should pay more attention to the road along with our surroundings, especially when it’s raining cats and dogs.

When entering or exiting an intersection, tread with caution. Wet roads make stopping and changing directions quickly a difficult job. On that account, you must be alert to other vehicles as well as pedestrians. Anticipate their movement, make calculated decisions at each turn, and drive at a low speed to induce better reactions.

While it’s okay to enjoy music when you drive in the rain, turning the volume up to the max is not a great idea. You should try your best to stay concentrated and avoid distractions that could hinder your senses.

4.  Maintain a Safe Distance

Remember that you and other drivers are at a visibility disadvantage, meaning that reacting to sudden or unexpected movement will be more challenging, and the risk of collision is higher. That’s why it’s better to keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles.

On that note, please keep in mind that tailgating is highly frowned upon, and when there is rain, it’s more of a deadly sin! As we’ve already established before, rain makes the road wet and slick, developing the need for extra time to brake safely or fully stop the car. Therefore, you must steer clear of this bad habit.

5.  Steer Clear of Potholes and Standing Water

Potholes can be extremely dangerous when they fill with water, ultimately because you never really know how deep they go. They can flood the engine and cause damage, so it’s best to avoid running into them. If they’re inescapable, then at least don’t brake when your wheels hit them.

Standing water increases the chances of skidding, hydroplaning, or loss of traction. Driving around it, if possible, or driving through it extremely slowly is the smartest move to make here.


Ultimately, driving in the rain is not a matter to be taken lightly. If the rain is pouring heavily, and it seems hard to drive under, it’s advised to wait it out. Albeit, sometimes you might feel compelled to get somewhere and get there fast, but please remember that it’s always better to arrive late than never do.

Remember that you can cash your car in UAE quickly and without hassle as long as the car you want to sell is in good condition.

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